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Nursing Moms - Infant Frenectomy Can Help Breast Feeding Difficulties:

August 8, 2022

Infant Frenectomy

An infant frenectomy (lip and/or tongue tie release) in conjunction with a lactation professional/therapy may be just what you need.

Are you or your baby experiencing any of these conditions? 

- Difficulty latching onto breast, especially in the first week

- Increased gassiness after feeding

- Frequent vomiting after feeding

- Prolonged feeding times (more than 20 minutes)

- Insufficient let-down while nursing

- Painful feeding or sensitive nipples while feeding

- Difficulty holding a bottle or pacifier

- Low percentile weight gain in first few weeks

- Unable to keep milk in mouth while feeding

- Tongue tied

If you said yes to any of the above, we can help today! 
Additional info coming soon.

What is a frenectomy? 
Coming soon.

Solea CO2 Dental Laser  
The Solea CO2 laser is here and immediately available for you and your baby.

How Solea Laser Can Help 
Coming soon.

What to Expect 
Coming soon.

After Care 
Coming soon.

Solea Laser
By Pediatric Dental Specialty Associates, Ltd. July 6, 2022
PDSA welcomed Solea Laser to the practice in April 2022. Solea is the first CO2 dental laser cleared by the FDA for all tissue dental procedures.
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